This picture is not a main point, but explains what I am doing these days.
I finished PRJ666 and BDA400 finally. I also passed CAEL for TESL Ontario. One more course to go, and I am choosing DBM635 finally. SQL server, not NoSQL, but that will conclude my totally pointless diploma.
I am not gonna look back.
The above picture is York's reply on French Studies. Totally unrelated to anything I had in Canada. Why? Because I want to have both ESL and FSL, but I was told not to do Concurrent Ed but at best Consecutive Ed after a whole French major. That is a terrible idea itself. I mean, I would rather just pass DELF and call it done. A whole French major is not my thing. This is particular true when I consider my age and my meagre income.
I would rather just sit tight and eat my mom's dessert. I am really long past the good days of actually enjoying life here.
My aligners are also pretty much done. I don't have to wear it daily from now on but only during sleep.
Honestly, I have hot wheel "cars" - I bought them elsewhere for myself - for my current job about car insurance. But I don't really see much use of it. It's very pointless except that the job does pay income. Otherwise, I could just go homeless.
I definitely no longer see things as I used to in early 2024/2023. I am still on FB and IG and threads, but... something has definitely changed for good. I need to take care of myself and my people more than ever. It is pointless and a complete waste of time to just go for things that don't affect me/things that waste my time and effort.
I am not even spending another few years to waste my life on another degree. It just won't work this way. I could spend time but just not on this kind of stuff. Move on. With TESL, at least I could try to find more work while I still stay here. If I don't, I can also move to HK and find similar jobs. This is the plan, basically.
Honestly, it is not a joke to tell your Canadian classmates that your best bet is to teach ESL abroad and not stay in Canada. I don't speak for everyone, but some people may see it as a new career path that may be better than some underwhelming jobs here.
I still have flashbacks of my days in PGDE. Whatever York advisors say (I don't like the way they phrased their replies...), PGDE was a worthy experience. I definitely learned good lessons before I left for my most important job so far. So, with this spirit, I am gonna go for TESL and really work for my future.
What about French
I definitely will also do it, but I prefer not doing it at York unless the time is flexible enough. I really don't know how it's gonna work when my job is so random through 9am to 9pm. Even Tandem guys thought I had no holiday to even think of.
J'ai des loisirs, mais il faut planifier le temps pour mon travail à ce moment, et puis je peux faires des loisirs dans le week-end. Je pense.
Update of CPA
Just one more class to go. It's really absolutely nothing worthwhile.
Guess I should say the "prof" did not fail my grade and I have to be grateful for that. Great team but otherwise an uninspiring class. The last class will be DBA625 I reckon. I don't feel like doing anything else or anything more.